During renovations, it’s crucial to safeguard your home from potential damage. We start by laying down a wax-based paper, adhered with low-tack tape to protect your hardwood finishes. This layer can withstand light traffic and minor spills, but for more intensive work, we add a Masonite hard border on top. This durable surface is not only easy to clean but also prevents debris from getting underneath and causing damage.
To keep dust contained, we set up plastic sheets with adjustable poles. This creates a barrier that ensures the renovation area is isolated from the rest of your home, minimizing the spread of dust and debris. Additionally, we place a filter cloth behind the return air to keep your furnace and other parts of the house as clean as possible.
These comprehensive measures are designed to provide maximum protection for your home during renovations. By prioritizing cleanliness and damage prevention, we ensure that your living space remains safe and intact throughout the process. Our customers greatly appreciate these efforts, and we’re committed to maintaining these high standards in every project we undertake.