Should a Homeowner Supply Materials?
Should a Homeowner Supply Materials or the General Contractor?
Many homeowners wonder whether it’s a good idea to supply the materials needed for their renovation project.
In our experience, we have found it to be more efficient and cost-effective (not to mention less stressful to the homeowner!) for the contractor to handle the purchasing of all materials.
This is not to say the client is not involved in the process. During material selection, it is essential that the contractor discusses the client’s needs, wants, taste, and budget with the client so the selections produced result in a home that is personally tailored to the client.
Communication is key to ensuring that everyone is on the same page and that the renovation project is a success.
Responsibilities of Purchasing Supply Materials
Purchasing materials for a project involves the following responsibilities:
Ensuring the order is accurate. This can get tricky with many products, as specifications change often.
Staying in contact with the supplier to monitor the process of the order. Late arrival of materials can disrupt the renovation schedule, which can cause cost increases and a delayed completion date.
Coordination of the delivery between the shipper and the contractor. When orders are received, the person who ordered the materials needs to be present to accept the order. Additionally, the order would need to be placed in a location specified by the contractor, along with other materials being used for the renovation.
Unpacking the material. Depending on the material, it may take a great deal of effort to unpack. Oftentimes, there will be a large number of packing materials to dispose of, which can be inconvenient for the homeowner.
Inspection of the material. It is essential that the material is inspected in detail as soon as it is received. This is important to ensure the product is in perfect condition and not missing any parts. If there are missing parts, the person who placed the order would be responsible for following up with the supplier to resolve the issue.
Installation of the material. It is not uncommon for a product not to work once installed. If the material were ordered by the homeowner, it would fall on them to pay for the costs associated with uninstalling the material, returning it, ordering a new one, and having a replacement installed.
Warranty. Homeowner-supplied materials are usually not covered by the contractor’s warranty. Therefore, the homeowner will be responsible for repairing or replacing any fixture or material after installation.
Purchasing Supply Materials with SOSNA
In our experience, homeowners are more likely to stay on budget and schedule when their renovation contractor orders the materials. Additionally, they will experience less stress associated with material ordering logistics.
Want to discuss your project? Contact us to get started!